Riding into their home we rode a bridge over the beautiful Cypress Black Bayou Recreation Area and Lake. It was an amazing lake with houses right on the lake. My kind of place, and I was disappointed that we didn't have more time to really enjoy the lake.
As we got closer to the Rougeau's I was excited to find out that they live on this amazing lake! However, driving through their neighborhood we stopped at what we think is their driveway but all I see is dirt and gravel and no house. I hate riding on gravel or dirt and on this trip I've done it all! Randy, my night in shining armor, rides down the 1/3 mile gravel driveway to check it out. While waiting I'm sure it's not theirs and I look around at all the other houses with short paved driveways, expecting Robert and Margaret to walk out. Then, my knight cruises back up the driveway and just my luck, the gravel driveway leads to their house! Knowing that I'm moments from seeing our friends and their lake, I biker-up and make it to the house.
We were excited to see Robert and Margaret and to meet their dog Macy but more excited to see the view from their kitchen! Even though our trip is short, we're going to enjoy this remarkable lake.
The evening was memorable. Margaret made us cajun red beans and rice with sausage. We sat around the kitchen table and just talked for hours. We also got a great tour of their 12 acre property and we sat on the boat house and watched the sunset.

We were up until the wee hours of the morning and we all felt bad because Robert had to go to work the next day. It was an amazing evening; good friends and good conversation.

We were sad that our schedule only allowed one day with them. It was great to reconnect and we all agreed that won't let so much time pass between visits again. If Margaret and Robert aren't careful, we might just come to visit and never leave!
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